
Secondary Education

Independent thinkers


Secondary Education represents a crucial step in the important process of self-affirmation and personal maturation of our students. For many it is a challenging stage, representing the transition from childhood to responsibility and independence.


Growing together

In ESO (compulsory secondary education), our students consolidate and expand their knowledge and comprehension methods through a broad, balanced curriculum that provides a solid academic foundation for their future.

Our students continue to develop their communication skills in English, with subjects taught in this language, and through activities such as debates and participation in the European Youth Parliament.

International exchanges are an important part of our students’ learning experience, helping them to develop and put into practice intercultural competences. We carry out exchange programmes with countries such as the United States and Germany, as well as collaborating with other IEP schools in Spain.

At our school students learn to apply knowledge, not just how to memorize and recall. Through the use of different methodologies and activities, they understand how knowledge relates to a variety of real- world contexts and situations. They are encouraged to establish links between the different subject areas, deepening their understanding. Basic concepts are reviewed in greater depth and complexity as the students’ progress throughout the year. This encourages the retrieval of knowledge and better understanding in the long term.

Our model is based on academic excellence, individualised teaching, and work in small groups that prepares our students to take on the Baccalaureate with guarantees of success.

Achieving excellence in English

Additionally, our students can take the Cambridge University exams, reaching B2 First (FCE) in 3rd ESO and C1 Advanced (CAE) in 4th ESO.

We should emphasise the importance of tutoring in this stage. Students constantly need the support and advice of their tutors, who in turn maintain a close level of communication with the parents through personalised interviews with students and families.

Academic and vocational guidance is also a key aspect of this educational stage. To do this, the school has developed different plans aimed at working on the personal academic and vocational development of our students.

"By the end of their school life, our students will be..."

Confident communicators

Our students develop fluency in speaking, listening, reading and writing in English, Spanish and other languages. They are able to work together and develop the intercultural skills necessary to thrive in an interconnected world.

Socially responsible

Our students develop a sense of community through reflection and responsibility for their own actions, with respect for others and the world around them.

Independent thinkers

Our students are actively involved in their own learning process and are encouraged to be creative and analytical in their thinking.

Prepared for the future

Our students acquire the resilience and academic, digital, and emotional skills necessary to be able to continue learning throughout their lives.